You learned to play chess from your grandfather, maybe from your father, or a chess enthusiast from your neighbourhood. Now you know the different chess pieces(Please visit here if you don't know chess pieces names and their moves), are good at strategizing moves and are also aware of the rules of chess. But do you know how to read and write chess moves and record them on your chess score sheet?Oh! So, you never considered learning how to write the chess moves or read them?
Well, if you really wish to play in professional chess tournaments and want to become a great chess player, learning to read and write chess is something you can not skip.
How can one learn to read and write chess? Does using chess score sheets make it any easier for someone to read and write chess?
This blog is an answer to all such questions of yours. Read till the end to understand in detail about learning to read and write chess moves using chess score sheet books.
Becoming Literate in Chess - Read and Write Chess Moves Easily
It is very common to see that people know how to play chess; in fact, some are really good at planning and making strategic moves, but they don't know how to read and write chess moves.You may think that it is not so required to learn how to read or write chess. After all, who cares about writing the moves when all you have to ensure is checkmate the opponent? But not knowing how to read or write chess is a hindrance if you aspire to play prestigious tournaments and are ambitious to become a great chess player.
Moreover, being proficient in reading and writing chess games improves your game as you are able to learn from the games of the best chess players.
Thinking about the best way to learn how to read and write chess?
To begin your learning journey, you must be first aware of chess notations and start using chess score sheets to record your games.
“What is a notation in chess? Is it essential to understand chess notation for playing chess?”
Chess Notations and Why They Are Important
Chess notation is a system used to record the moves in a chess game, allowing players to review and analyze games, share game sequences with others, and study famous historical matches.“Can I play chess without understanding chess notations?”
Understanding chess notation is not strictly essential for playing chess casually or learning the basic rules. However, as your interest and skill level grow, knowledge of chess notation becomes increasingly important for several reasons.
Importance of Chess Notation for Players
1. Game Analysis and Improvement: Notation allows players to record their games for later review. It is crucial for identifying mistakes and understanding critical moments in a game. Analyzing one's games is a key step in improving chess.2. Sharing and Learning: Chess notation makes it possible to share games without the need for a board and pieces. Players can learn from famous historical games, follow current tournaments, and share interesting positions or puzzles with others.
3. Studying Openings: Mastery of chess involves understanding numerous opening strategies. Notations allow players to study and memorize opening sequences, known as opening theory, which can be essential at higher levels of play.
4. Communication: Notation serves as a universal chess language, allowing players from different parts of the world to discuss games without language barriers. It's also the language of chess literature, instructional videos, and online content.
5. Official Record: In tournaments, players are often required to record their moves. It serves as an official record of the game, which can be important for resolving disputes, confirming draw claims, or submitting games for rating calculations.
Now we know you're ready to start learning the subject of chess notations. But your excitement may encounter a hurdle as you may discover different types of chess notations - Descriptive Chess Notation and Algebraic Notation.
Types of Chess Notations
The language of notation serves as a guiding compass for chess players.
Chess notation, the system devised to document moves during a game, comes in various forms, each with its conventions. Understanding these notations is akin to mastering a language specific to the chessboard, enabling players to communicate, analyze, and share their games effectively.
The two primary types of chess notations are - Algebraic Notations and Descriptive Notations.
Algebraic Notation:
Algebraic notation is the most widely used system in modern chess. It assigns a unique label to each square on the chessboard using a combination of a letter and a number.
Format: Each square is identified by its file (letter) and rank (number). Files are labeled from a to h, and ranks are numbered from 1 to 8. Thus, the square in the bottom-left corner from White's perspective is a1, and the top-right corner is h8.
Recording Moves: Moves are recorded by specifying the piece abbreviation followed by the destination square. Pawns are an exception; the destination square simply records their moves. For example, "Nf3" denotes moving the knight to the f3 square, while "e4" denotes moving the pawn to the e4 square.
- Advantages: Algebraic notation is concise, easy to learn, and universally understood, making it the preferred choice for most chess players, coaches, and publications.
Descriptive Notation:
Descriptive notation was used predominantly in English-language chess literature until the latter half of the 20th century. It describes moves based on the pieces' starting and ending positions.
Format: Each square is named based on its relationship to the player. For example, the files are named a through h from left to right for White and from right to left for Black. The ranks are numbered from 1 to 8 for both players. Thus, the same square might have different names depending on the player's perspective.
Recording Moves: Moves are described by the piece's initial, followed by the square it moves to. Abbreviations such as "Kt" for knight and "Q" for queen are commonly used. For example, "N-KB3" means the knight moves to the king's bishop 3 square.
- Advantages: While descriptive notation was once widely used, it has largely been supplanted by algebraic notation due to the latter's simplicity and universality. However, it can still be encountered in older chess literature and historical records.
After understanding the notations, you can then move ahead, practicing reading and writing chess games on a chess score sheet book. But it would help if you were well-equipped with how to use chess score sheets.
The following section will tell you the important things to consider while writing your chess moves on chess score sheets.
Important Instructions for Notating Chess Moves:
Use Algebraic Notation: Employ the widely accepted algebraic notation system for recording moves. This system is intuitive and universally understood, facilitating easy communication and analysis.
Be Clear and Legible: Write legibly and ensure clarity in your notation. Ambiguity can lead to confusion, especially during post-game analysis or when reviewing games at a later time.
Indicate Piece Moves: Begin each move notation with the abbreviation of the moving piece (except for pawns). For instance,
"N" for knight,
"B" for bishop,
"Q" for queen,
"K" for king, and
the lowercase first letter of the piece name for pawns (e.g., "e" for pawn).
Specify Destination Square: Follow the piece abbreviation with the destination square on the chessboard. This combination uniquely identifies the move. For example, "Nf3" signifies moving the knight to the f3 square.
In the following image knight is moving to f3 square, N is used to represents knight
Use Symbols for Special Moves: Use standard symbols to denote special moves such as captures ("x"), pawn promotions ("=" or "→"), check ("+"), checkmate ("#"), and castling ("0-0" for kingside castling and "0-0-0" for queenside castling).
Numbering Moves: Number each move pair (both White's and Black's moves) to maintain sequence and facilitate analysis. Start with "1." for White's first move and increment by one for each subsequent move pair.
- Annotation Symbols: Optionally, use standard annotation symbols such as "!" for a good move, "?" for a dubious move, and "!!" for an excellent move to provide additional insights into the game's dynamics.
The image below shows the chess competition game

Here's the recorded move on chess score sheet for the particular chess competition game

Chess Scorebook and Its Benefits:
A chess scorebook serves as a dedicated record-keeping tool for chess players to document their games systematically. It typically consists of pre-printed grids or spaces for notation, allowing players to record moves, annotations, and other pertinent information.
The benefits of using a chess scorebook include:
Game Analysis: Facilitates post-game analysis by providing a detailed record of moves, allowing players to revisit critical moments, identify mistakes, and improve their strategic understanding.
Historical Reference: Serves as a historical record of a player's chess journey, documenting their progress, achievements, and memorable games over time.
Training Tool: Enables players to review their games with coaches or peers, fostering collaborative learning and skill development.
Tournament Requirement: Essential for tournament play, as many tournaments require players to record their moves as per regulations set by chess federations.
- Personal Documentation: Offers a tangible remembrance of a player's chess experiences, preserving memories and insights for future reflection.
Purchase Chess Scorebooks from the best Chess Store
For chess enthusiasts in India, chessbazaar offers a convenient solution for purchasing quality chess scoresheet books. With assured doorstep shipping, you can buy chess scorebooks effortlessly, ensuring you have the necessary tools to document your games effectively and enhance your chess experience.
Visit chessbazaar's online store to explore their range of score sheet books and accessories, providing a reliable resource for recording and preserving chess games.